JON HELM, CFP ®, Senior Wealth Advisor, Helm Financial, Raymond James, Victoria, British Columbia

“Your Legacy is Our Priority”
For Jon Helm, there is no higher calling than helping people achieve their goals.
At Helm Financial, Jon and his team specialize in handcrafted wealth management solutions for discerning individuals and families throughout Canada and the United States. “I see wealth as a tool, not necessarily the end goal in and of itself,” Jon explains. "My purpose is to help our clients build and protect their legacies, so they have peace of mind to truly enjoy the lifestyle they’ve worked so hard to build," he says. "At the end of the day, it’s the freedom wealth provides that matters most."
A veteran of the financial services industry since 2003, Jon often jokes that it is the only thing he has ever done or been interested in, a passion that began at an early age. "I always had a fascination with understanding how money and the economy work. Nerdy, I know, but it’s true," Jon recalls, laughing. After reading every non-fiction book he could get his hands on, he eventually went on to get degrees in both Business and Economics, and later, a career which led him to multiple Senior VP roles for major Canadian and American banks and investment dealers.
"I’m extremely grateful for my diverse financial background as it has given me a broad perspective and deep understanding of the industry as a whole," Jon explains. “Importantly, it’s also allowed me to see with precision where the industry was falling short on portfolio construction and client service.” After over two decades honing his expertise and earning numerous gold standard designations such as Certified Financial Planner® (CFP), Chartered Investment Manager (CIM), Financial Management Advisor (FMA), and Fellow of the Canadian Securities Institute (FCSI), Jon realized it was time to build something of his own: a wealth management practice laser-focused on unique asset offerings, personalized service, and client-first values.
In 2019, he made that dream a reality and founded Helm Financial.
Clients at the Heart of Everything
Jon’s approach to providing unparalleled client service is simple, but not easy: follow the Platinum Rule.
While you’ve no doubt heard of the Golden Rule, the Platinum Rule takes it a step further. Jon explains, “Treat clients not only as you would wish to be treated, but as they wish to be treated.” Of course, this necessitates taking the time to understand your clients first - and on this requirement, Jon does not budge. “Truly getting to know people and earning their trust over time is a cornerstone of our client service and onboarding process,” Jon says. “My goal is for our clients to think of us right away when life throws them an unexpected twist, good or bad. We want to be their very first call.”
In this relentless pursuit of service excellence, Helm Financial conducts regular client satisfaction surveys. “Perhaps the most surprising and significant changes of the post-pandemic era have been generational desires to interact and connect more digitally, coupled with our ability to easily serve clients on a more global scale,” Jon says. In adapting to these digital trends and preferences, Helm Financial offers an interactive, easy-to-use digital investment dashboard, timely updates via phone, email, and social media, conducts webinars and even hosts a podcast called Wealth Connection with Jon Helm. This proactive digital engagement increases responsiveness and accessibility: crucial in today’s fast-paced financial services environment.
As part of walking the talk on every business decision being client-focused, Jon’s choice to open a private wealth management office in the heart of Cook Street Village is no exception. “Our clients spoke, and we listened," he says. "It’s really become a destination. Clients will plan a morning or afternoon spent in the village or go for a stroll along the breakwater before or after our meeting,” he notes. “They really seem to love the atmosphere, pace, and escaping the downtown chaos.”
An Inevitable Love Story: Cross-Border Wealth Management
When Jon’s younger sister moved to North Carolina for her soon-to-be husband several years ago, Jon knew he would forever have a deep family connection to America.
Having travelled across the U.S. for speaking engagements and financial conferences, Jon understood the corporate cross-border lifestyle intimately. However, he didn't fully realize how many individuals shared this same experience. “As I do when I am intrigued by something,” Jon laughs, “I dove in headfirst and began researching every aspect of it. The unique wealth management needs of cross-border individuals and families presented an opportunity that really resonated with me to specialize my craft further: to focus on being an expert in this field.”
Today, backed by a world-class investment dealer in Raymond James, Helm Financial offers wealth management solutions to both Canadian and US clients on both sides of the border. “Cross-border clients have very specific priorities and concerns that we are uniquely positioned to help with,” Jon explains. “Traditional asset management models often fall short for these folks, never mind the plethora of tax pitfalls and legal implications that can arise if you aren’t working with a specialist. It’s surprisingly complicated, and most advisory teams aren’t equipped to navigate it.”
Jon acknowledges that he is fortunate to be able to leverage his extensive network of preeminent tax, insurance, legal, estate and trust planning specialists. “My long standing relationships with industry leaders in these, and other critical domains, allow us to provide clients with integrated, seamless planning for every level of complexity.”
Blazing the Alternative Investing Trail
Thinking outside the box has always come naturally for Jon. The ability to zero in on unique alternative investment opportunities (that often are not publicly available) has been no exception. “We discovered early on that traditional models are often insufficient for our more sophisticated or growth-minded clients; especially those with international lifestyles or associated currency concerns,” says Jon. “We are proud to offer innovative solutions that broaden access and provide diversification transcending conventional publicly traded securities.”
No stranger to challenging times, Jon has guided his clients through the likes of two major financial market meltdowns: the Great Financial Crisis of 2008 and the most recent Coronavirus Crash in 2020. “Because alternatives have a negative correlation with traditional assets, they are excellent at reducing overall portfolio risk during periods of market instability. We can both mitigate volatility and add some extra octane to client portfolios, by incorporating alternative assets. Truly a win-win for the correct investors,” Jon explains.
From private equity and debt to physical assets like farmland or energy working interests, to options and commodity strategies, and emerging markets, offering alternative investments has been an incredibly important point of differentiation for Helm Financial. “They aren’t right for everyone, but then again, we don’t run a one-size-fits-all practice, so that’s never been an issue for us,” he says.
Inter-generational Planning: Building Trust Through Continuity
With over two decades of senior financial and investment experience under his belt by early mid-life, Jon brings a distinctive and rare combination to the table – a level of both expertise and a promise of longevity in the industry that are largely unmatched.
“As clients approach or enter retirement, they often realize their advisors are nearing retirement too, creating a succession planning problem,” Jon mentions. “Clients will seek someone with equivalent experience and knowledge, but who can also work with them and their kids for another 25 years. That person is really hard to find in practice.”
Looking to the future, Jon’s excitement centers around the longevity of the deeply rooted intergenerational client relationships he is building. “What gives me great professional satisfaction is helping our clients achieve their long-term goals,” Jon reflects. “Seeing families reach milestones, such as helping their kids start their own business, or putting their grandchildren through university – it’s incredibly rewarding. It’s what we do it all for.”
Balancing Family, Community, and the Pursuit of Extraordinary Living
Jon is passionate about elevating the financial literacy of his community through volunteer lecturer and board engagements with Junior Achievement Canada, Community Micro-lending, and most recently, as Treasurer for his son’s local hockey club. “My son is really into hockey - obsessed really - like many other Canadian and American kids, so this is where much of my volunteer time is focused at the moment,” he chuckles.
Outside his professional and volunteer pursuits, Jon takes great pride in watching his three children excel at their chosen activities and sports. “Sometimes, you need to remind yourself amid all the running around with your hair on fire that these moments are ‘the good old days’, which I know we will look back on fondly,” he says.
As an avid golfer and member of the Victoria Golf Club, Jon mentions he would love to travel more with his wife and kids. However, he quickly acknowledges the challenge: "For all three of them to have a shared break from hockey, dance, and university? That will be the day," he laughs.
In the meantime, Jon will continue to focus on what he does best: helping his clients design and plan for a life they are truly excited to get out of bed for and live every day. “Building and protecting the wealth that enables that extraordinary living - that’s our mission,” he says with a smile.
Taylor Stranaghan is a skilled business content writer and editor who brings forth a wealth of knowledge and expertise. With years of experience crafting compelling narratives, she excels at producing high-quality, engaging content that informs, educates, and inspires readers.

Jon Helm, CFP ®
Senior Wealth Advisor
Raymond James
1175 Douglas St, Suite 1000
Victoria, BC V8W 2E1
250 - 940 - 7321