"It's a Family Affair"
Family values are often defined as the moral and ethical principles and ideas that define behaviour in different situations. It is clear from their actions that the Jackson’s family values encompass loyalty, consistency, helpfulness, and reason. Mick Jackson’s dad, Rick, was a Financial Advisor for thirty years. When he was diagnosed with heart issues in 2000, Mick left an inside sales job with another company, to join his dad’s team.
On the way to being there for his dad, Mick found a career that he loves - he has been providing financial expertise in various areas such as RRSP’s, RESP’s, TFSA’s, Estate Planning, Pension Planning, Tax Planning, and stock picking for almost two decades now. His clients range all over Ontario but are mainly concentrated in the Sarnia/Lambton area in Southwestern Ontario.
After building a successful financial advice practice of his own, Mick formally took over his dad’s practice in 2005 (unfortunately, his dad passed away one year later). Today, Mick is the Branch Manager of Assante Capital Management Ltd. in Sarnia. He divides his time between managing and coaching internal staff and ensuring that suitability and risk tolerances match up and that Know Your Client (KYC) information is up to date. The balance of his time is spent working with and coaching clients on their holistic financial plans.
“One of the reasons I love working with Assante is that there is no need to push branded products and I am free to choose products that are most suitable for the client. Access to better financial products, at the right price, always makes a lot of sense,” Mick says.
Mick genuinely likes people and has the rare ability to communicate with everyone, from novice to sophisticated. Clients and staff alike appreciate his open door policy and describe him as, “Methodical, attentive, calm, and easy to talk to/work with.” Many also acknowledge that Mick has gone beyond the role as a wealth advisor, and has helped them out, in many life situations.”
Education, Philosophy & Approach
Mick attributes his success as a husband, father, and Wealth Advisor to a sincere desire to help, the insight and experience to identify what needs to be done and when, and the ability to motivate people to take action. Coincidentally, these same principles are necessary for the creation of a successful financial plan. As part of his commitment to clients and staff, Mick has completed the Branch Manager’s Course. He is also fully insurance and investments (IIROC) licensed.
“Besides the nuts and bolts of creating holistic financial plans, perhaps my biggest value add is that I encourage clients to focus on the long game, and to not let short-term emotions sabotage their financial plan. When necessary, I provide the necessary hand-holding to help the client cut through the external noise, and to re-focus on what can be controlled, rather than on what can’t be controlled,” the Wealth Advisor explains.
Mick believes in lifelong learning of clients and staff and regularly posts video blogs. The blogs themselves focus on exploring one question or issue at a time. Among others, topics covered to date include financial tips for new families, the difference between an RRSP and a TFSA, and information on when to begin taking CPP.
“I like coming to work every day and interacting with like-minded professionals and clients. We have purposefully created a family-like atmosphere in our 11-person Sarnia office. We hope our first family day barbeque picnic, being held on 20 July 2019, is a big hit with clients, young and old. As well, we appreciate and enjoy learning from head office staff and subject matter experts and recognize that they are here to support us,” Mick says.
Mick has worked with and relied upon Maureen Symeonakis for the last 19 years. “Maureen is an excellent intermediary and takes a lot of the administrative work off of my shoulders. She is an extremely knowledgeable back-up in the event I’m out of the office. She is a vital member of the team, and her value has been proven time and time again.”
Up Close & Personal
Mick is very active in the local community. He chairs the Bluewater Men’s Slo Pitch League (he also plays in the league in the top division). He also sits on the boards of the Sarnia Golf & Curling Club, and the St. Clair Child & Youth Mental Health Services, a progressive Children’s Mental Health Centre dedicated to helping children, youth and families with coping and adapting to life’s challenges (https://www.stclairchild.ca/county-mental-health-clinics).
Mick and his wife, Angelina, just celebrated their 11th wedding anniversary. The couple has two healthy, happy, and active sons, Mickey (5), and River (2). He is also very close to his sister who lives in town, and his brother, a golf pro, who lives out west.
In the lyrics to, “You Were There,” pop star Michael Jackson, one of the great music superstars of the late 20th century, says it best, “…Thanks to you, There’s now a door we all walk through, And we are here, for all to see…To be the best that we can be, Yes, I am here…Because you were there.” Mick will continue to honour his father’s legacy of professionalism, caring and being there for family and friends, clients, and community, for many years to come.
Suzen Fromstein is the author of Suits and Ladders, Ten Proven Ways to Keep Your Job Safe - with a few jokes thrown in. Suits and Ladders was an Amazon Best Selling Book in the Career Guides Category

Assante Capital Management Ltd
137 Kendall St, Sarnia, ON N7V 4G6