Joseph Duggan knows where the smart money goes – he knows
where it starts, where it ends up and how to get it there better
than it began.
Among many hats he has worn over three decades, he’s been a
financial advisor, career banker and successful financial services
Today, Duggan is the founder, chairman and managing partner
of Belair Capital Markets Inc., a firm providing a myriad
of services, including corporate finance advisory, merchant
banking, venture capital, asset management, wealth management
and international corporate development services.
As a transnational finance specialist, he’s directly responsible
for the risk management, among many other facets.
“I have leadership capabilities. I
clearly understand what corporations
and individuals are looking for, and
I provide solutions to what they’re
looking for,” he said.
Prior to founding Belair, he was
the founder, chairman and CEO
for Kingsdale Capital Corporation
and Kingsdale Capital Markets
Inc., as well as founding partner of
Kingsdale Shareholder Services.
Duggan also held executive positions with Counsel Capital
Corporation, CIBC Securities, and Chemical Bank.
All tolled, his experience has run the gamut: investment
banking, mergers and acquisitions, venture capital, merchant
banking, project finance, multi-currency lending, euro bonds,
asset management and wealth management.
With this wealth of knowledge about creating wealth, he came
up with a novel idea when launching Belair Capital Markets Inc.
It began with a specific concern with corporate finance, where
clients had to shell out fees for the funds they raise.
As a better substitute, Belair proposed something unique, where
success is tied to the clients: they would share in risk-rewards.
“As the company grows, our investment grows as well,” said
But that’s not the only difference between Belair and typical
venture capitalists, merchant bankers or financial advisors.
The experts at Belair have successfully utilized a proprietary
hybrid method, one that adapts to changing needs and market
fluctuations, since each stage of corporate growth necessitates
different approaches.
“Past experience gave me the tools to introduce this new
platform, to provide solutions to corporations or entrepreneurs,
in an innovative and creative services platform,” Duggan said.
Dubbed the Capital Pathway and Capital Gateway, according
to the company, “these platforms maximize wealth creation,
long-term investor valuation, and on-going corporate growth
by connecting corporate clients with exclusive and privileged
access to global capital resources.”
The Capital Pathway, for example, guides each stage of growth
with various solutions according to need, such as alternative
financing strategies, domestic and international development,
corporate structuring and valuation, merger and acquisition
strategies, go-public alternatives, and others.
Belair can populate a client’s board with outside expertise,
and provide governance to the company, that is aligned with
shareholders and management.
“It’s not just another venture capital fund, or management
fund. It’s more about asset and wealth management, domestic
and international,” Duggan said, adding that the company
provides advice to management and board of directors of clients
about strategic, fiscal and financial alternatives, including
restructuring, re-positioning, mergers or divesting.
As part of the greater package,
Belair touts they will provide
privileged introductions
to portfolio managers,
institutional investors, and
deal influences.
“We have high-net-worth
accredited investors that we
can bring to the table, and
chart a wealth management
strategy with any company
– we can assist them in any
direction, be it with a tax point of view, estate planning point of
view, and asset management,” Duggan added.
Belair’s clients range from entrepreneurs, institutions,
corporations and governments– virtually any kind of client
that they can add shareholder and corporate value. “No matter
where a company is in its growth cycle – whether it’s family and
friends, angel category, or going public, we have some product
to help them expedite their growth.”
A senior executive and a team of skilled international experts are
ready and able to offer the perfect financial advisory services,
and privileged introductions to alternative capital resources.
“Human capital is a major differentiation, bringing different silos
together, with rich experience and competence; we’re working
collectively with our silos to bring success to our clients,”
Duggan added.
“A lot of other places have one silo, and very few have integrated
all of these items. We have extensive expertise in the silos we
represent, and the ability to complement the skills of the other
Belair’s unique paths and platforms have served it well, as they
have built a solid reputation for excellence not just locally, but
“We’re innovative, creative , and proprietary enough for anyone
to want to do business with us."
To learn more visit